Present, Sponsor & Register

We would like to extend a cordial invitation to join us, sponsor and present at our event on 17-19 SEPTEMBER, 2024 @ NH Collection Royal WTC Bogota

Queremos extenderles nuestra cordial invitación a que se nos unan junto a sponsors, y presentadores en nuestro evento del 17 al 19 de SEPTIEMBRE @ NH Collection Royal WTC Bogota. 2024.


We are excited to announce SLAP 2024 in BOGOTA, COLOMBIA. It is our mission to facilitate the exchange of technical knowledge concerning the perforating technology and related technologies, by providing opportunities for professionals to enhance their technical and professional competence. The first International Perforating Symposium (IPS) was organized in Houston in 2008, which successfully lead to the next International Perforating Symposiums held biannually in different international locations, such as: Kuala Lumpur, Abu Dhabi, Amsterdam, Bogota, Muscat and Buenos Aires.

Nos enorgullece anunciar la realización del SLAP 2024 en Bogotá, Colombia. Es nuestra misión facilitar el intercambio del conocimiento técnico relacionado con la tecnología de Punzado o Perforating, proveyendo la oportunidad a los profesionales de incrementar sus competencias técnicas. El primer Simposio Internacional de Perforating (IPS) se realizó en Houston en el año 2008 dando inicio de esta forma a la realización bi-anual de exitosos Simposios Internacionales de Perforating en diferentes lugares como: Kuala Lumpur, Abu Dhabi, Amsterdam, Bogotá, Muscat, y Buenos Aires.


Call For Papers Deadline Extended to August 15


Please consider sponsoring to secure your event seats and recognition on all event banners.


All attendees need to register online here