JIPF Copyright Notice
Authors who publish with this journal agree to the following terms:
Right to Publish
I/We grant to International Perforating Forum (IPF) the right to include and publish the above-described submission in the online Journal of the International Perforating Forum. I/We will retain copyright ownership but hereby grant to International Perforating Forum the non-exclusive, world-wide, royalty-free right to use, copy, distribute, and display my submission in any format or medium as part of the Journal.
Author warranties
The author(s) warrant that:
- they are the sole author(s) of the submission, which is an original work;
- they have the right to grant the permission in this agreement;
- the whole or a substantial part of the submission has not previously been published;
- they or their employers are the copyright owners of the submission;
- to the best of their knowledge that the submission does not contain anything which is libellous, illegal or infringes any third party’s copyright or intellectual property rights.
- They have obtained all necessary permissions to include in the submission any materials created or owned by third parties and any such third party material is clearly identified and acknowledged within the content of the submission.
- if the submission is based upon work that has been sponsored or supported by a corporation or government agency, they have fulfilled any right of review or other obligations required by any contract or agreement with such agency or corporation.
Reversion of Rights
Nothing in this agreement shall be deemed to obligate International Perforating Forum to publish the submission. If the submission is not published in the Journal within 12 months of final acceptance by the IPF, any Licence granted herein shall automatically terminate and all rights shall revert to the copyright owner. The IPF may keep a copy of the Contribution as a record.