Welcome to the technical abstract submission page for The North America Perforating Symposium: NAPS 2025. Please utilize this platform to submit your abstract for evaluation. If your abstract is accepted, you will receive a second link to upload your presentation for the event and archival purposes. Abstracts not chosen for presentation may be considered for inclusion in the Poster Session, subject to the discretion of the Technical Committee. A specific time slot will be designated for Poster Presentations.

Kindly note that the submission deadline is now set for APRIL 1, 2025. Abstracts should be 300 words or less for consideration. Thank you for your participation.

The basic process is:

1. Visit this page to submit your abstract (paste into freeform text window below)

2. Committee will review your abstract and reply with decision and further instructions

3. When requested, use the provided link to upload your presentation file

NAPS 2025 Technical Abstracts