NOTE: This coversheet is intended for you to list your article title and author(s) name only—this page will not appear in the Journal



Title: Guidelines for the Journal of the International Perforating Forum


Authors (names are for example only):

List authors in the order you wish them to appear.


Jane Doe, ABC Company

John Roe, XYZ Company


Author Biographies: Provide a brief biographical sketch of each author, including name, affiliation, prior work history over the past decade at most, research interests, publications/patents, academic credentials, and IPFCo service.


ARTICLE LENGTH:  Maximum 12 pages



INQUIRIES TO:   John Carminati

Brenden Grove




Please submit your article in Microsoft Word® format or PDF if prepared in a program other than MSWord. We encourage you to read attached Guidelines prior to preparing your article—this will ensure your article is consistent with the format of the JIPF.

NOTE:  Sample guidelines are shown with the correct margins.

Follow the style from these guidelines for your article format.



Electronic file submission: When making your final PDF for submission make sure the box at “Printed Optimized PDF” is checked. In Distiller, make certain all fonts are embedded in the document before making the final PDF.



Guidelines for the Journal of the International Perforating Forum

  1. Doe, IPF, ABC Company; J. Roe, XYZ Company


Executive Summary

Include an executive summary, detailing the article objectives and providing sufficient background information to permit the reader to realize the gist of your article and to determine whether the information he seeks may be found in it. It should also urge the reader to go on and read your entire article. The summary should, together with the article’s title, give the reader a good basis for remembering the essential contents and to be able to find it again in the journal.


Formatting your Article

Below is a set of instructions for preparing your article in a format suitable for the intended media for the Journal of the International Perforating Forum. It is most important that you follow these guidelines as closely as possible and adhere to the margins (discussed below) for overall consistency and format relationship to all other articles in the intended proceedings.

Print or type text in a single column, single-spaced, with text in Times New Roman, 12-point type and justified.

The margins to be used for your article are as follows: In Word click on “Page Layout”; go to “Margins”. Make the following selections:

Top—0.75” (19.05 mm)

Bottom—0.93” (23.6 mm)

Left—1.32” (33.5 mm)

Right—1.56” (39.6 mm)

In “Page Layout”, select Size and choose the Letter setting (8½ x 11 inches). Make sure that the width of the text is a maximum of 5.625 inches (143 mm) and the depth is a maximum of 9.25 inches (235 mm).


First Page

Center the article title on a line by itself. List the author’s full names on the cover sheet in the order you wish them to appear and include their affiliation. If an author’s affiliation changes during or after the writing of an article, the affiliation held during the writing of the article should be listed after the author name with the new affiliation following. Attach a passport style head shot photograph of each author as an appendix to the article, in JPEG format. No illustrations, figures, or tables should appear on the first page.


Section Headings

First-level headings should be in bold with 2 line spaces above and 1 line space below them. “Section Headings” above is a first-level heading.

Second-Level Headings.  Second-level headings should be in bold with main words capitalized. Second-level headings run into the body-text paragraph and do not get indented. It speaks directly to the first-level heading but contains enough information to stand as a subsection of that major section.

Third-Level Heading.  This type of heading runs into the body-text paragraph and is indented and italicized. It is a subsection of the second-level heading and generally describes a specific element addressed in the second-level subsection in more detail.



Do not leave a blank line between paragraphs. Opening paragraphs run margin to margin, with subsequent paragraphs indented 18 points (1.5 pica-6.3 mm-1/4”) space.

(two line spaces between text and first-level heading)



The use of an active rather than passive voice produces clearer, more concise writing. An average sentence length of 25 words is recommended. A mix of long and short sentences and a varied sentence structure are most readable. Do not abbreviate terms that are only used once. When an abbreviation is used, spell out the term at the first use and present the abbreviation in parentheses following it; then use only the abbreviation in the rest of the article. Use the commonly accepted name or word rather than local or industry jargon. US Spelling conventions are followed for JIPF articles.


Artwork (photographs, tables, or figures) should be planned for appearance at the bottom or top of a page, as close to the first mention of the artwork as possible; i.e., no text should appear both above and below artwork. There should be between two and six blank lines between artwork (including captions) and main text and one blank line between artwork and caption, as seen with Fig. 1. Artwork should be centered between the left and right margins. In cases where artwork takes an entire page, it should be centered within the margins. All print within the artwork should be in Times New Roman font in the range of 8 point to 10 point (see Fig. 2). A separate electronic high resolution version of all artwork shall accompany the paper submission as an appendix.

(two to six blank lines—text figures “boxed in”)


  • First-Level Headings (g., Artwork): bold; 2 line spaces above heading and 1 line space below heading.
  • Second-Level Headings. (g., Tables and Figures.): bold; initial cap of main words; 1 line space above heading; runs into body-text paragraph
  • Third-Level Headings (e.g., Photographs): bold; italics; runs into body-text paragraph
  • Fourth-Level Headings (e.g. ): italics; runs into body-text paragraph


Fig. 1. Heading specifications.

(example of a text figure, text figures are “boxed in“)



Fig. 2. Required margins.

(example of a figure)

(two to six blank lines from figure to text or text to figure)


Tables and Figures.

All tables and figures with text only should be boxed in; i.e., a box should be drawn around the table or figure with a draw facility on the computer (see Fig. 1 sample and Table 1 sample). Labels for tables should appear centered at the top of the table in a 10-point font. An Arabic numeral should follow the word “Table”. Tables should be numbered consecutively throughout the text, i.e. 1, 2, 3, etc. In the case of figures (charts, graphs, photographs), the word “Fig.” should appear preceding an Arabic numeral (1, 2, 3, etc.) in the caption, which should be centered below the figure. Figures should also be numbered consecutively throughout the text.

(two to six blank lines from table to text or text to table)


Table 1. Experimental and Calculated Data








x 10-3/F

55 1.1 -150 -1.90
35T1.5 -235 -2.55 28.74
35 1.5 -235 -2.40
60 0.8 -235 -1.60
60 0.8 -235 -1.65
60 0.8 -235 -1.50


Photographs. Original photographs (black and white or color) should be submitted with your article. Inserting a 300 dpi halftone is acceptable but an original and separate attachment must accompany the article. If photographs will be submitted separate from the main text, they should be clearly marked as to where within the text they belong.

Illustrations. Illustrations should be treated as “Figures” and labeled as such. Illustrations should be professionally drawn using black India ink (do not use blue ink), scanned into a file and inserted or created with a draw facility on the computer. If drawn by hand; labels must always be printed or typed, not handwritten.


Mathematical Equations

Mathematical equations should be centered between left and right margins and should be separated by one blank line. Any characters that cannot be typed (such as Greek symbols) should be hand-drawn using BLACK India ink, scanned and inserted in the file. All equations should be numbered consecutively throughout the text, using Arabic numerals in parentheses along the right margin.


  i  =  1                                                                (1)


 a  +  b  =  c                                                      (2)




Compile an alphabetical list of all symbols used in the article, including the definition, the units of measure (if necessary), and the dimensions (or dimensionless).


a = definition, dimensions, units [second set of units]
b = definition, dimensions, units [second set of units]
c = definition, dimensions, units [second set of units]




Include a brief acknowledgement to contributors and supporters of the article. This is an optional element.



References shall be cited in the text or in figure or table captions by placing the author’s last name and year of publication in parentheses. If the author’s name is used in the text, include only the year of the reference in parentheses.

If the text cites more than one reference from the same author in the same year, add “a”, “b”, etc. to distinguish between the references. References included in the same set of parentheses should be separated by semicolons.

If the referenced source is of considerable length and more than one part of it is referenced in the current article, the in-text citation may include figure or page numbers for clarification.

When citing standards in text, do not spell out the abbreviations. The abbreviated term is the actual name of the standard and should not be deconstructed.

Reference List.  A reference list shall be placed at the end of your article, followed only by any appendices or conversion factor tables. Elements which should be included in a reference (as applicable):

  • Author(s) names – last name, first and middle initials
  • Year of publication
  • Title of work
  • For books: edition, volume, series, chapter, pages, name and location of publisher
  • For journals or other periodicals: name of publication, volume, issue, page numbers, publication date, paper number, DOI
  • For conference papers: name, location and date(s) of conference, type of presentation, paper number, DOI




Use footnotes only if absolutely necessary. Whenever possible, incorporate such material into the text using parentheses. If footnotes in body text are unavoidable, keep them as brief as possible and place them at the bottom of the page in which the reference to them appears. Use an asterisk (*) for the first and a double asterisk (**) for the second. If there are more than two footnotes, use Arabic numbers instead of asterisks. Footnotes should be set in 10-point type.




Place appendices after the Reference List and label in alpha order (Appendix A, Appendix B, etc.). Apply separate numbers to figures, tables, and equations included in an appendix (i.e., Fg. A-1, Table B-2, Eq. C-3).



Submission of an article implies that the work described has not been published previously, that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, that its publication is approved by all authors and tacitly or explicitly by the responsible authorities where the work was carried out, and that, if accepted, it will not be published elsewhere including electronically in the same form, in English or in any other language, without the written consent of the copyright-holder. Upon acceptance of an article, authors will be asked to complete a Copyright Form. Acceptance of the agreement allows for maximum dissemination of the information while maximizing protection against infringement by third parties.



Appendix A: Article Structure

Use this appendix as a guideline for structuring your article.


Executive Summary

Detail the article objectives and provide sufficient background information.




State the objectives of the work and provide an adequate background, avoiding a detailed literature survey or a summary of the results.



Material and methods

Provide sufficient detail to allow the work to be reproduced. Methods already published should be indicated by a reference: only relevant modifications should be described.




A Theory section should extend, not repeat, the background to the article already dealt with in the Introduction and lay the foundation for further work. In contrast, a Calculation section represents a practical development from a theoretical basis.




Results should be clear and concise.




This should explore the significance of the results of the work, not repeat them. A combined Results and Discussion section is often appropriate. Avoid extensive citations and discussion of published literature.




The main conclusions of the study may be presented in a short Conclusions section, which may stand alone or form a subsection of a Discussion or Results and Discussion section.




Please ensure that every reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list (and vice versa).




If there is more than one appendix, they should be identified as A, B, etc.